One Six Right

One Six Right The Romance of Flying is an independent film about the general aviation industry as seen through a local airport. Within a short period of time, it has achieved a passionate following and presence among pilots and aviation enthusiasts worldwide who see the film as being able to communicate their passion for aviation. Concurrently, the film has garnered both local and national political attention in the United States as an accurate depiction of general aviation and its important contributions to all aviation industries worldwide. Within the entertainment industry, the film has attracted the sponsorship and support of many large media companies, including Apple Inc., Sony Electronics, Toshiba, Technicolor, Bose, and Dolby, as pioneering new standards in high definition HD film making and distribution.

A historical perspective of airplanes from the 1920s to the business jets of today frames appreciation for the significance of all general aviation airports as a critical component of the communities they serve. Located in the heart of the San Fernando Valley, VNY is today the worlds busiest general aviation airport and contributes overbillion each year to the southern California economy.One Six Right explores common misconceptions about general aviation airports, which are often criticized for noise pollution and viewed as exclusive playgrounds for the rich. The film creates an awareness of the threat to these community airports through staggering statistics of airports that no longer exist, and the rapid rate at which they are continuing to close one per week in the U.S. These smaller and often forgotten airports are the foundation of the aviation industry, contributing to global commerce and the breeding ground of the pilots of tomorrow. ........

Source: Wikipedia